Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Alex has always had really short hair, but recently decided he wanted long hair. Well he is blessed with really thick fast growing hair. So the other day he walk in and asked how I liked his
SEXYY hair. I about busted out laughing, but could tell he was serious, so I held it until he left the room. He is growing up way to fast for my liking.

Where has the time GONE.

I can't believe it is already July 8th, I'm halfway through another semester with one to go. I'm loving my clinical and kids love their camp. They wake me up at 6am to make sure they get there as soon as the doors open. So much for sleeping in.

Alex went to Grandpa's for a week. The house was just too quite. We were glad to have him home on the 5th.

Jessi has become a fish this year. She swims daily in our pop up pool. Our backyard looks like a kiddy park with a petting zoo.

We are counting down the time till graduation and I can get my life back and maybe take a picture or two. You never know I might scrapbook again.

Alex's Homework project

Even though they only had a week of school left the 4th graders had this huge project to do.

Alex had to research someone important in American history. He picked the former president Polk, (he thought he was picking POKE, because it was a funny name).
and like all good 4th graders he waited till the night before it was do, to tell us he needed to do an art project to go with his presentation

Of course Mike loves it when Alex homework becomes his. Well after much debated Alex picked sculpture as the art. He ask for Dad's help and this is what Mike whipped out in about 10 minutes from a picture of the web. I was amazed at the ability Mike had and of course Alex helped by telling his Dad what he wanted on the sculpture.

I think I want Mike to do a bust of each of the kids next

Jessi turns 6

Jessi wanted a Barbie Party and NO PRINCESSES MOM, so after much struggle she got a Beach Barbie Party.

Everyone had such a good time, even though it was supposed to be a girl only party, we ended up with more guys than gals (that is a very long story).

Jessi is still very tiny only 34 lbs and barely 42 inches, but she is so full of personality. She is very thoughtful. She is very quick to tell you how pretty you are (regardless to how you really look). She is very good for the soul.

Jessi is very hard to buy for because she only wants what she already has. So after some pressure from Mike the new big trampoline was the gift of choice, she spends so much time on it, it is well worth the money. She can now do a forward flip and is learning a back flip.

Oh, if you let the sprinkler run under the trampoline they think they invented a new water ride.
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