After 8 peaceful years of co-existing, Rex became the target of Ben's aggression (blue heeler).
We had 3 scary but not life threatening attacks in the last month......
Then Saturday Ben went for the kill. Rex is one tough mutt. He had bilateral flailed chest (broken ribs on each side), bilateral collapsed lungs, right shoulder torn open, and major blood loss. The Vet can't believed not only did he survive, but was walking on his leg prior to surgery and never became short of breath. Today he is back to his happy little mutant self, drain comes out tomorrow, staples in 10 days. Fur back in 2 months.
Ben has been re-homed with his maker.
Poor Rex! Although he doesn't look quite as bad as I envisioned him looking...the fur gone is a nice look for him though..=)
The picture does not do the damage justice, if you look closely his back misshaped from all the broken ribs
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