Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thanksgiving photo shoot

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Ryan and Kyran came for Thanksgiving Holidays. They are growing into such fine men.
They are so fun. They are getting used to me having a camera in their face.
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The first family campout

This was the first campout for our pack.
We had so much fun, there was hiking, biking, fishing and lots of great food.
The den leaders take their cooking seriously.
This was Jessi first camping trip ever, she loves FIRE. She takes after her MOM.
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Halloween 2008

Jessi wanted to be a ghost princess and Alex a scary black thing. I saw the whoopee cushion and had to have it. Alex was a little embarrassed that I was dressed up. His friends thought it was cool. We had lots of fun.
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Earning our first badge

Alex's first merit badge was the Handyman. He took care of lots of small
thing that I had been putting off. I like this scouting thing.
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Jessi's 5th adoption day-Sept. 1

It is hard to believe that it has been 5 years already.
What a delight she is. She wanted corn dogs for dinner.
She likes the scooter, but still learning how to ride it.
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The PEP Rally- Aug 2008

Jessi had so much fun at the annual Pep rally for the Youth Football. We had no idea that she was going to do a two song
dance solo in front of the whole town.

Jessi is now a little rock star in Krum. Alex got to bring in the colors as well.
My kids are becoming very active in our town, which is why I wanted to live in a small town.

Alex is a Webelo- Aug 2008

Alex looks so handsome in his uniform.

I had only one free day and it worked out perfectly for Alex to join the cub scouts.
Well I don't know exactly how I got suckered in to a leadership role, but I did.
We all love the scouts. This is a fun time for just Alex and me.
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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Finally Finished the Watergarden

This started as my birthday gift, but we could not get the top part of the waterfall right.
So we finally tore everything down and started over.
Now all that is left is the landscaping. I LOVE IT!!!
Thank you Honey.

More Cheer Pictures

She is so full of spirit. She loves Cheering.

Not such of fan of the Texas Heat.

I just love these pictures.

Jessi's messy learning

Jessi was diagnosed with Sensory Integration Disorder. She has lots of issues in all of the major senses, so she gets therapy to help her. Movement and touch are her biggest issues. She has a new swing system in her bedroom she LOVES.

She has a really hard time with stuff touching anywhere but her hands, so we played with shaving cream to help. This is something I did with Alex and you never really think much about it.

Well when I placed some cream on her arm, she got very I quickly cleaned her up. We started again and this time she did it all by herself.

We pretended she was a little green monster. I never thought something so simple would bring me so much joy. I was so very proud of her. I never doubt that with her determination and personality she can overcome anything.

I carried the little green monster to the shower and magically my little princess returned all squeaky clean.

Why you don't let 6 year olds Drive

I'm not sure if it was the cell phone or radio station that distracted Jessi.....but the poor guy under the car would like to know!

First Day of School

This was a really tough year this year. We had not decided where Jessi was going to school until the Monday before. She is repeating Kindergarten due to some learning differences she has. She knows all the material, just can't reproduce it in a typical school testing environment.

Alex was very excited this year. He is fitting in more now that
he plays football. He likes his teacher and seems to be handling all the added activities well.

I hope this year goes well, it has been the most stressful 1st day of school that I can remember.


A new chapter in our lives has started. Alex wanted to play Jessi was going to be a cheerleader (she wanted to be one last year but I said no).

So now we are so much busier than ever before.

It is so much fun watching them perform. Jessi is a natural and Alex had so hidden abilities.

Life will never be slow again.

Mike's Birthday

Mike, wanted something to tinker with. So rewarding him for all of his
support during my school, I
encourged him to get an
Austin Healey that he wanted.

The great adventure turned south
and it is a long story.

The Healey arrived on Mike's
birthday weekend.

It is a fun little car. Alex loves it.

I hope he has fun fixing up his car. He desires to have something of his own.
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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Almost Done for the summer....

It has been a tough semester just due to the shorten time frame to get all the work done.
I took my Family II final today and have one left on Monday.
One final semester to go. Hooray !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just in time for the kids activities. I have hated missing so much of their lives in the last 2.5 yrs.

I can't wait to hang out with friends, play in my garden, and sit back and get bon-bons.

She can move those HIPS

Jessi favorite thing is to do the hula hoop. She can do it for hours. She laughs at the rest of
us because we are lucky if it goes around once. GOD gave her a little tush but man can she move
it. We will have our hands full when she gets older.
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